

(Fill out the appointment form below or make an appointment in person at the counseling & health service division, and the counseling psychologist will reply within a week .)

諮商時間:週一、三、四 0900-1900/週二、週五0900-1700。

(Counseling Service Time: Monday.Wednesday.Thursday 0900-1900 /Tuesday.Friday 0900-1700.)

身心科醫師諮詢時間:03/18(一)、03/28(四)、04/11(四)、04/15(一)、05/02(四)、05/13(一)、05/30(四) 0900-1200

(Psychiatrist Consultation Time: 03/18(Mon.), 03/28(Thu.), 04/11(Thu.)、04/15(Mon.)、05/02(Thu.)、05/13(Mon.)、05/30(Thu.) 0900-1200.)


(Location: Room 5001,5th floor, Administration Building.)

(The counseling rooms are currently under renovation, so the counseling space is temporarily limited. You might take more time to wait. Please be patient, thank you!)

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1. 諮商晤談以每週一次、一次50分鐘為原則,如無法前來、請來電告知,以免影響他人權益。

(1. Counseling is based on the principle of once a week and 50 minutes. Please inform us if you can not attend the appointment.)

2. 詳細諮商服務內容,將於初次晤談時,由諮商心理師為您說明。

(2. The details of counseling services will be explained by the counseling psychologist at the first session.)