
【宣導】颱風過後48小時內做好登革熱防疫 Dengue fever prevention

【宣導】颱風過後48小時內做好登革熱防疫 Dengue fever prevention






通報網址: https://urgent-osa.nsysu.edu.tw/login

One week after a typhoon is a critical period for dengue fever prevention and control.

Faculty , Staff and students are requested to take the initiative to check the dormitory, campus, rental housing, and home environment 48 hours after the typhoon occurs.

Epidemic prevention is crucial for the campus; everyone should do their best to be a part of it.

Please implement the following epidemic prevention measures

1.Check for vessels that might collect water regularly. 「巡」

Remember to check for vessels that might collect water regularly, or else health inspectors might come and knock on your door!

2.Get rid of standing water. 「倒」

Get rid of the standing water in the flower pot!

3.Scrub and rinse the vessels on a weekly basis. 「清」

To keep our environment clean, scrub and rinse vessels on a weekly basis.

4.Get rid of mosquito eggs and larvae. 「刷」

Please get rid of these mosquito eggs and larvae before they turn into real mosquitos.

If you experience symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and rash, seek medical attention promptly.

On-campus medicine Clinic OPEN hours Monday to Friday 8:30~12:00

If a doctor suspects dengue fever, you can immediately undergo a free dengue fever rapid screening.

In the event of a confirmed dengue fever diagnosis, please notify the school immediately using the temperature self-reporting system, or inform the health center, department, or campus safety center.

Website: https://urgent-osa.nsysu.edu.tw/login