
【活動介紹+防疫規定】2022年高屏就業博覽會 Job Fair Entry Control Measures Due to COVID-19

【活動介紹+防疫規定】2022年高屏就業博覽會 Job Fair Entry Control Measures Due to COVID-19










地點:中山大學  菩提樹廣場

一、    為遵守衛生福利部疾病管制署之防疫規定,所有進入活動會場之人員,皆須完成【實名登記+健康聲明書】
二、    完成以下步驟,即可入場,謝謝。
1.    請用手機掃描QR CODE,填寫線上表單。
2.    向本校工作人員出示手機填寫完成畫面,即可入場。
3.    填寫時間約1分鐘可完成。
三、    若無手機或無法上網,可填寫紙本問卷。
四、    所有資料皆依照個資法規定保存,活動結束28天後即銷毀。

一、    參與本徵才活動,請務必全程配戴醫療型口罩。會場內禁止飲食。
二、    為保障全體國人的健康,有以下情況者請不要參加本活動。謝謝。
1.    有急性呼吸道感染者
2.    發燒37.5度以上者
3.    仍在居家隔離、居家檢疫及自主健康管理期間者



Nearly 100 companies will participant this exhibition. The exhibition is divided into 5 days according to industries. For complete list of company participanting this exhibition, please visit the official website for details.

March 14~March 18.
NSYSU The Bodhi Tree Square

●March 14~March 15.:Finance, Service Industry and ICT Industry
●March 16~March 18.:Manufacturing Industry, Research Institutions and Public Sectors
●For complete list of company participanting this exhibition, please visit the official website for details.

2022 National Sun Yat-sen University Job Fair
Entry Control Measures Due to COVID-19

1. To comply with the regulations of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, all personnel entering the event venue must complete real-name registration and fill in a health declaration form. 
2. You may proceed to the venue once completing the following steps:
(a) Scan the QR code to complete real-name registration and fill in the health declaration form
(b) Present your phone screen showing completion of the survey to the university staff. Then you may enter the venue.
(c) Completion of the survey will take about one minute. 
3. If you do not have a phone or cannot access the university Wi-Fi, you can fill in a hard-copy form. 
4. The surveys will be preserved according to the Personal Data Protection Act. We will destroy them 28 days after the event. 

Epidemic prevention information

1. Please wear a mask for participation.
2. Please do not participate in this event if you have any of the following conditions. 
(1)Acute respiratory infection.
(2)Body temperature above 37.5 degree.
(3)Under [home isolation]、[home quarantine]、[self-health management].
