
[徵才]A10Networks 美商睿科徵才資訊

[徵才]A10Networks 美商睿科徵才資訊

公司名稱 A10Networks 美商睿科

行業別 網際網路相關業 

公司地址 115 台北市南港區三重路66號6樓600室

公司網址 http://a10networks.com.tw

◆ Thunder Series ADC: An Application Delivery Controller product line that accelerates and secures data center applications and networks
◆ Thunder Series CGN: A Carrier Grade NAT product line that provides large-scale address and protocol translation services for carrier networks
◆ Thunder Series TPS: A Threat Protection System product line that provides detection and mitigation against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) cyber
◆ aGalaxy Centralized Management System: Centralized and Automated Management
◆ aCloud Services Architecture: The A10 Networks aCloud Services Architecture enables Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud data center operators to deliver advanced L4-7 tenant services while improving agility and reducing total cost of ownership.

Web Application Developer - Front End
Web Application Developer - Full-Stack / Back End
Software Engineer - Application Delivery (ADC) L4/7
Software Engineer -DDoS Security (TPS)
Software Engineer - Network and Application Security



網頁:董薇妮 Winnie 小姐
應徵:  朱雅羣 Ashley 小姐        

電話:02-27852729 / 02-27852729#116
行動:0966-708 075

